Friday, April 27, 2007

Ballygowan WestTag Rugby: Rules / Glossary

Rules For Ballygowan West Tag Rugby 2008

1. Absolutely No Contact whether accidental or not, it will always result in a penalty.

2. Team of 7: Must always include 3 females; The most males on the pitch is 4. The squad size is 10 and unlimited subs are allowed provided referee is advised. Only 2 Registered Rugby players per team allowed: this rule applies to both male and female players.

3. Scoring: A try is scored when the attacking team ground the ball on or over the try line. A Male try is worth 1 point with a Female try worth 3 points. A Male Player cannot carry the ball over the try line, then pass it to a female to score. Ball to be placed on ground – no diving/falling.

4. Tags: Players must the Tag Shorts provided and wear 2 tags at all times to the side while on the pitch. A tagged player must replace his or her tag after the ball has been rolled back before continuing in the game.

5. Attacking: The team with the ball can be tagged up to 5 times while trying to score. A “tagged” player must stop immediately and roll the ball back between the legs to a team-mate standing directly behind without delay.

6. Passing: Forward Passes are not allowed.

7. Defending: The team without the ball halts the progress of the attacking team by removing a tag from the side (not across the body). The Defender must hold up the Tag and call TAG!. The Tag should be dropped to the ground on the whistle and not thrown forward in an attempt to gain advantage.

8. Tagging: Players should be tagged from the side, not across the body. Only players with the ball can be tagged. Removing a tag from a support player (not in possession) can result in a penalty and/or a yellow card at the referee’s discretion. If the referee judges that a try-scoring opportunity was forfeit, a penalty try can be awarded.

9. No “Going to Ground”: Players must keep on their feet at all times. Diving to score a try is not allowed and players must attempt to remain on their feet when scoring. If there is a doubt, no try will be awarded.

10. No Kicking is Allowed: Restarts will be by way of Tip-Off as will turnovers. A Tip-Off is a deliberate touch of the ball with the foot whilst in the hands or on the ground.

11. Stay Onside: All defenders must retreat 7 metres after an attacker has been tagged. The defenders must remain back 7m until the ball has been rolled back. Attacking players must remain behind the ball carrier. Offside is always a penalty or turnover.


The Playing Area will be clearly marked; play takes place within the lines; on the line is out.
Each team must wear distinctive strip and all players on the pitch must wear 2 tags; on each hip.
Teams must be ready to play at the appointed time on the appointed pitch. The Referee may award a Female Try against a late team. Playing of any delayed match will be at the Referee's discretion as the match must still finish at the allotted time.

The games will be 15 minutes each half with a break for 5 minutes.
The captain of the team winning the toss has choice of kick off or sides for the first half.

No spectacles, sun-glasses, jewellery or watches can be worn.
Play will commence by Tip-Off at the start of each half; after scores and on turnovers/penalties.
The team winning the match are awarded 2 points with 1 point for each for a draw.
At the play-off stages, there will be 10 minutes of extra time in the event of a draw consisting of two 5-minute halves. If the game is still tied after that, the “Golden Try” Rule will apply.


Penalties are awarded for:

- Making Contact of any kind with a Member of the Opposition
- Blocking an attempt by an opponent to “Tag” him or her (e.g. by “hand-off”)
- Diving or going to ground in an attempt to score, or win possession
- Disputing the decision of the Referee. This can also result in the Offending Team being penalised by 7 metres.
- Tagging a Player without the ball ie an early or late Tag.

Penalties against the Attacking Team result in a turnover of possession to the Opposition.

Penalties against the Defending Team result in 5 new tags for the Attacking Team irrespective of how many tags there was prior to the Penalty.

The Referee can play “advantage” at his or her discretion. Play will be called back for the original offence if no advantage accrues.


Turnovers occur when the Attacking Team is instructed to hand the ball over to the Opposition. The referee will award a Turnover when:

- The Ball is knocked or fumbled forward
- The Ball is passed forward
- The Ball is kicked.
- The player in possession steps on or over the touchline (into “touch”)
- A player (whether in possession or not) is deemed to be offside.

Yellow Cards result in 5 minutes in the Sin Bin and are issued at the discretion of the referee for the following offences:

- Repeated breach of the rules
- Unsporting behaviour
- Dissent or talking back to the referee.

Red Cards result in dismissal for the rest of the game in question and/or possible suspension and/or up to 5 points deducted from the Team. Red cards are issued at the discretion of the referee and can be issued for the following offences:

1/ Striking, kicking, tripping or attempting to strike, kick, or trip another player or official

2/ Verbal abuse or intimidating behaviour towards another player or official

3/ Receipt of a second yellow card.


1.ADVANTAGE Is to allow play to proceed if it is to the advantage of the team, which has not committed an offence or infringement.

2.ATTACKER Is a member of the attacking team.

3.ATTACKING TEAM Is the team who has possession of the ball or who has just kicked the ball (before ball is gathered by defending team)

4.BALL CARRIER Is a member of the attacking team who has possession of the ball.

5.BALL PLAYER Is the member of the attacking team who is imparting motion to the ball at the play-the-ball area.

6.BLOCKING The act of blocking access to the tag by a defender, e.g. by the use of hands, ball, shoulder or clothing. This is lso known as “fending”.

7.CHANGEOVER Is the surrendering of the ball to the opposing side.

8.CONTACT A collision of bodies or parts of bodies whether deliberate or accidental.

9.DEAD BALL LINE A line parallel to and five metres behind the try line which defines the end of the scoring zone.

10.DEFENDER Is a member of the defending team.

11.DEFENDING TEAM Is the team without possession of the ball.

12.DEFENSIVE LINE Is a line of defending players. This line is parallel to the try line and is set a minimum distance of seven metres from the play-the-ball area or ten metres from a penalty, place kick or dropout.

13.DROP KICK The ball is released from the hands and is kicked as it rebounds off the ground. The ball may be kicked any height.

14.DROPOUT A drop kick taken from the centre of the try line.

15.DUMMY-HALF Is the attacking player who takes up position immediately behind the ball player during the play-the-ball.

16.FIELD OF PLAY The area bounded by the two touchlines and both try lines, but excluding the lines themselves.

17.FORWARD PASS Passing the ball forward towards an opponent’s try line.

18.GROUNDING THE BALL Placing the ball between the opponents’ try line and the opponents’ dead-ball line, including the try line but not including the dead-ball line, with the hand or hands.

19.IN POSSESSION A player has control of the ball.

20.KICK Deliberately striking the ball with the leg from the knee to the toe.

Is the team that kicks the ball.

22.KICK-OFF POINT Is the position at the centre of the halfway where the place kick is taken to start the half and restart the game after a try has been scored.

23.KNOCK-ON Propel the ball forward with hand or arm towards an opponent’s try line.

24.KNOCK-BACK Propel the ball towards own try line with hand or arm so that the ball first hits the ground directly below or behind the point of propulsion. The direction the ball takes after it has hit the ground is not relevant.

25.LATE TAG When a defender removes the tag(s) of an opponent after that opponent has passed the ball to a team mate or after the opponent has kicked the ball.

26. A MARKER Is the defending player who stands no more than one metre from and directly opposite the ball player during the play-the-ball. It is optional for the defending team to have a marker.

27.NON-OFFENDING TEAM The team whose players have not transgressed the laws of the game.

28.OBSTRUCTION Is the act of preventing an opponent from tagging the attacking player in possession.

29.OFFENDING TEAM The team on which a player or players have transgressed the laws of the game, either accidentally or deliberately.

30.OFFSIDE A defending player not back the required distance at the roll-the-ball or penalty. An attacking player in front of the player in possession or in front of a team member who last kicked or played the ball.

31.PASS Is to throw the ball in a backwards or horizontal direction from one player to another.

32.PENALISE Is to award a penalty against an offending player.

33.PLACE KICK Is to kick the ball after it has been placed flat on the ground to restart the game.

34.PLAY-THE-BALL When the ball player rolls the ball straight back through his or her legs to the dummy half.

35.PLAYING AREA Is the area restricted to spectators by any means such as a fence, rope, line, etc.

36.PRE TAG When a player removes an opponent’s tag or tags before the opponent has received the ball, ie as a pass from a team mate or while attempting to gather the ball from the other team’s kick.

37.ROLL BALL Is when a player rolls the ball straight back through his or her legs on or within one metre the of mark.

38.SCORING ZONE A rectangular area extending five metres beyond the try line within which a try can be scored.

39.TAG COUNT For every time a player is tagged in possession the team’s tag count increases i.e. from tag 1, tag 2, etc. Only the referee shall count the tags.

40.TAP KICK A deliberate touch of the ball with the foot whilst in the hands or on the ground.

41.TOUCH LINE The line which marks a lateral edge of the pitch.

42.TOUCH-IN-GOAL LINE That part of the touch line which lies between the try line and the dead ball line.

43.TRY The only method of scoring in tag rugby, a try is scored when the ball is grounded by an attacker on or over the try line but before the dead ball line.

44.TRY LINE. The horizontal line, marked in white,at either end of the pitch.

45.VOLUNTARY TAG Is when an attacking player either plays the ball with both tags attached or deliberately removes one or both of his or her own tags.


1.There can be a maximum of seven players per team on the field at any one time from a squad of twelve . For competitive matches the squad must be registered with the competition manager before each fixture. Up to five replacement players per team are allowed during the course of the game with unlimited interchange.

2.The minimum number of players of a team to be on the pitch at any one time is four . In the case of mixed or “social” competitions, the maximum number of male players on the field at anytime is four . Therefore there must be a minimum of three females on the pitch at all times. If a team cannot field a minimum of four players and/or a minimum of three females in social/mixed competitions the team will forfeit the match.

3 In a mixed match when a female player is sin-binned or sent off, there is an obligation on that team to replace a male player with a female player to bring the number of femals players back to three.If a team cannot provide another registered female player, that team will forfeit the match.

4.There will be no stoppage of play when replacements are made. The replaced player must leave the field of play before the replacement can participate in the game. All replacements during a game shall be from the same side of the field.

5.The referee will issue each team with seven sets of tags prior to commencement of the match. The team may not use any other tags during the game. All tags must be returned to the referee after the game.

6.If a player is injured the referee shall direct this player to leave the field and seek attention before rejoining the game. The player may be substituted while the player is receiving treatment.



1.Player’s normal clothing shall include a shirt of distinctive colours and pattern.

2.Footwear should be suitable for the weather and surface. The preferred and recommended type of footwear is boots with moulded studs. Runners are allowed, but note these may not be suitable in wet and slippery conditions. If a player slips and causes contact due to unsuitable footwear a penalty will be awarded against them. Boots with aluminium studs are permitted but are not recommended on firm ground conditions.

3.Player’s are not permitted to wear any jewellery or watches while playing. Any player found to be wearing jewellery on the pitch will be penalised immediately by the referee and dismissed until the jewellery has been removed. This player may not be substituted while off the pitch. If jewellery cannot be removed, e.g. wedding rings, bracelets, all items must be completely covered in tape

4.Finger nails must be cut to a safe length for sport. Long nails should be taped up for protection.

5.Players may not wear spectacles or sunglasses while playing. Players who need corrective lenses in order to play should use soft contact lenses or sports goggles.

6.Head gear, hats, baseball caps, etc. are permitted as long as they do not present a threat to safety of either the player wearing the head gear or any other player on the pitch.

7.Players shall not wear anything that might prove dangerous to other players. The referee has wide discretion in deciding what constitutes a potential hazard. Players will comply with the referee’s instruction on this matter.


1.All players are under the control of the referee from the time they enter the playing field to the time they leave. In the event of misconduct by a player, the referee shall, at his/her discretion, caution, sin-bin (yellow card) or dismiss (red card) the player.

2.A caution may be administered to a team as a whole (via the captain) or to an individual player. If a caution is given to a team, each team player is considered to have received an individual caution.

3.The power to sin-bin is at the discretion of the referee. A sin-binned player can take no further part in the match, and cannot be replaced, for the duration of the suspension and shall re-enter the playing field only when permitted to do so by the referee.

4.A suspended player shall take up a position behind the opposition’s try line for the duration of the suspension. A suspended player must give their tags to the referee who will retain them during the period of the suspension.

5.The duration of the sin bin shall be five (5) minutes

6.The Yellow Card, or sin-bin, will be used for incidents such as the following:

1) Blatant disregard for the laws

2) Continued law infringements

3) Talking back to the referee, displaying dissent or slagging opponents

4) Repeated late tags and/or pre tags

5) Repeated off-side

6) Deliberate or clumsy contact infringements

7) Professional foul

8) Disputing the referee’s decision

9) Unsporting behaviour, i.e. behaviour contrary to the true spirit of the game.


7.The referee may dismiss a player (Red Card) for the remainder of the game if the referee deems the offence to be serious enough e.g. fighting, deliberate contact.

The Red Card will be used for the following incidents:

1)Striking, or attempting to strike an opponent with any part of the body

2)Kicking, or attempting to kick an opponent including tripping or attempted trip

3)Head butting, or attempting to head butt an opponent

4)Any form of physical intimidation towards the referee

5)Strong verbal abuse towards a referee or an opponent

6)Where a referee gives a second yellow card in a single match to the same player.


8.A player who receives a red card shall take no further participation in the game nor shall he/she be permitted to take up a position within the playing area where the referee deems his/her presence is likely to provoke further incidents. The referee may instruct the player to leave the playing area.

9.In a social fixture if a female player receives a red or yellow card then that team must immediately replace a male player on the pitch with another female player to ensure three females are on the pitch at all times. If the team cannot provide another registered female player then the game is forfeit.

10.The referee has the authority to issue a red or yellow card to any team player in the playing area, If a substitute receives a red or yellow card then the team must reduce the number of players on the field accordingly, for 5 minutes if a yellow card, or permanently for a red card. The five point reduction applies for a team who have a player red carded on the touchline.

11.The referee has the authority to issue a red card up to thirty (30) minutes after the end of a match. Any related incidents occurring after this time shall be reported by the referee to the Competion Manager

12.The team of a player or players issued with a red card during or after a match will be deducted five points (tries) for that match for every player who received a red card. For example is a game ends in a score of 9 points to 5 in favour of the “Red” team but that team had a player sent off with a red card the score will be altered to 4 points to 5 in favour of the “Yellow” team.

13.If a referee is assaulted or unduly harassed by any person as a result of a match under his/her control the referee shall submit a report the match may be temporarily suspended while the Competition Manager is consulted by the referee. The Competition Manager has the authority to abandon the match in which case the offending team will forfeit the game. When a match is abandoned as a result of one team’s actions a score of ten points to nil will be recorded to the non-offending team unless the score difference is greater at the time of the stoppage in which case that score will prevail. The Competition Manager can have a game stopped while a player or spectator is removed from the venue.



1.The referee is responsible for ensuring the laws of the game are adhered to. The referee is the sole judge of fact and law on the field of play.

2.The referee shall record the score and all tries scored during the match. The timekeeper

3.When time is up it is at the next stoppage of play that the referee will blow the whistle to end the game. If the next or subsequent stoppage in play is a penalty the referee shall allow time for the penalty to be taken and the game continues until the next stoppage.

4.The referee should inspect player’s equipment prior to the commencement of the game and if necessary, the referee can stop a player from participating in the game if he or she considers a player’s equipment is dangerous.

5.Extra time may be played at the end of a match to compensate for lost time due to injury at the referee’s discretion.



1.The captain of the team which wins the toss can chooses whether to select which direction his or her team shall play or which team shall kick off. The captain of the team that loses the toss shall then choose from the remaining selection. The teams shall change side for the second half and the team that kicked off in the first half shall receive the kick at the start of the second half.

2.The game shall consist of two halves of twenty minutes each with a five minute half-time break between each half.

3.The objective of the game is to ground the ball on or over the opponent’s try line, but in front of the opponents’ dead-ball line, to score tries. The player in possession of the ball may run, kick or pass the ball attempting to get further down field and cross the opponent’s try line. It is the objective of the team without the ball to prevent this by removing a tag from the ball carrier.

4.The attacking team has five tags or plays to ground the ball on or over the defending team’s try line. When the sixth tag is made a changeover occurs and the defending team then becomes the attacking team.

5.Once play has started an attacking player who is on-side can run with the ball, kick it in any direction on any of the tags (1st– 5th tag) and throw or knock it in any direction other than towards his opponents try line.

A player who during play is holding the ball may be tagged by an opposing player or players in order to prevent him/her from running with the ball, kicking or passing the ball to his/her team mates.

7.A player not in possession of the ball, either a defender or attacker, may not be tagged or obstructed during the game.



1.The only one way of scoring in tag rugby is when try is awarded to the attacking team when they ground the ball on or over the try line.

2.One point is awarded for a try.

3.In mixed games, if a female player scores a try, that team shall receive three points.

4.If a team is not ready to start the match on time when at the beginning of the match, both the opposition and referee are ready to start the match then the opposition shall be awarded one (male) try for each minute, Time shall not be made up at the end of the match. After five minutes if the missing team has not provided four players on the pitch, the team will forfeit the match.

5.If a match is forfeit a score of ten tries to nil will be recorded in favour of the winning team. If the score difference at the time of forfeit is greater than ten then the score at the time of forfeit will be the winning score.

6.The game shall be won by the team scoring the greater number of points. If the score is equal or if both teams fail to score, then the game is tied.

7.In the knock out stages of a game is tied at full time, play continues until one team scores and that team is then declared the winner (golden try). However, if the scored are tied at full time, and if a team has had a player sent off (red carded) in the match or has had more players red carded in the match than their opponents, then that team will be deemed to have lost the match. Note this sanction is in addition to any scoring penalties resulting from the red card(s)

8.Kicks must be re-gathered in the field of play before grounding the ball for a try to be awarded. If the ball crosses the plane of the try line before it is gathered by the attacking team the ball is deemed dead. If the attacking team was last to play the ball, then the game is restarted by a roll ball to the defending team five metres out, opposite where the ball crossed the try line. If the defending team was last to play the ball then the game is restarted by a dropout.

9.In mixed games, a male player cannot pass the ball to a female player after crossing the try line nor can he run back into the field of play to pass the ball to a female player. This results in a further ‘tag count’ to the team in possession

10.The ball carrier must not deliberately or accidentally either dive across the try line, slide across the try line or touch the ground with the knees or arms before the try line to avoid a defender and attempt to score. The player scoring should be on his or her feet when touching the ball down. If a player dives and there is a defender within tagging distance whether that defender is attempting to effect a tag or not, the try is disallowed resulting in a further ‘tag count’ to the attacking team. If the referee judges no defender to be within tagging distance the try may be awarded.

11.Score cards must be signed by both team captains after the game. Failure to sign the card can result in a team forfeiting the game. Any dispute regarding the score in a match must be communicated to the Competition Manager within twenty minutes of the end of the match.



1.When in possession of the ball, the ball carrier can attempt to position the ball further downfield by running, kicking on any of the five tags, or passing the ball to his or her team mates. An attacker can only progress the ball with two tags on unless advantage is being played due to a late-tag, pre-tag or offside-tag.

2.The attacking team shall be allowed five successive tags, and then a changeover will occur on the sixth tag.

3.When an attacking player who has possession of the ball (ball carrier) has one or more tags removed by a defending player, the ball carrier must return to within one step of the point where the first tag was removed (at tag on ground) or, if a marker is already present at the tag, in front of the marker, and play-the-ball without delay.

4.The ball carrier must not replace his or her tag(s) until after they have played the ball.

5.Another attacking team player takes up a position approximately one meter directly behind the ball player and assumes the dummy-half position. The play-the-ball commences when the ball player rolls the ball straight back along the ground through his or her legs to the dummy-half, who then initiates the next play by passing, kicking or running the ball.

6.A roll-the-ball or penalty kick shall be taken no closer than five metres to a try line or touch line.

7.If there is no marker within one metre of the play-the-ball, the ball player may replace his or her tags, play the ball by tap kicking the ball and continue play. If he or she is missing a tag they may only pass the ball taking no more than one step.

8.If the attacking side is tagged a sixth time, the attacking player shall place the ball on the ground where the tag occurred, replace his or her tag and a changeover is awarded to the defending team.

9.If the ball carrier falls to the ground while in possession and a defender is within tagging distance, a tag will be deemed to be effected. This applies to the ball carrier when crossing for a try. If any part of the body (other than the feet) of the ball carrier touches the ground before the try line, and before the ball is placed on or over the try line, then a try cannot be awarded if a defender is close enough to effect a tag. The ball carrier will be asked to play-the-ball five metres out from the try line and the tag count will continue. If this occurs on the last tag, a changeover will be awarded to the defending team five metres out from the try line.

10.If any attacking player is “tagged” over the try line prior to placing the ball down for a try, he or she shall play-the-ball five metres out from the try line and the “tag” count will continue.

11.An attacking player may receive a pass behind his/her try line or may run behind his/her try line when in possession of the ball,if an attacking player is tagged behind his or her try line they shall restart play with a dropout.

12.If a ball carrier loses control of the ball behind his/her try line, kicks the ball out of play over the dead ball or touch-in-goal line, or steps on or over the dead ball line then play shall be stopped, and restarted with a dropout.

13.The dummy half can pass or kick the ball with only one tag on as long as they only take one step. If he or she should take more than one step, they will be called back to the mark and the next tag will be counted.

14.If an attacking player is tagged as they pass the ball this will result in a “ball away, play-on” call from the referee. In case of doubt the benefit of the doubt will be given to the attacking team.

15.If the ball carrier off-loads the ball as their tag(s) are removed and the referee calls “ball away, play-on”, they must replace the tag(s) before being able to further the ball’s progress. If this player fails to replace the tags and again receives the ball, he or she must stop immediately and play the ball and a tag will be counted.

16.If the ball carrier comes into contact with the referee whilst trying to evade a tag, a tag will be counted.



Tag Rugby is a non contact sport but as with all sport, there is a risk of injury. All players play entirely at their own risk and it is at the discretion of each team and player whether or not to take part in the league as a whole or in any particular game. The Organisers / Sponsors / Westport Rugby Club, take no responsibility for and hereby excludes liability to the fullest extent permitted by law for any personal injury or loss or damage to any personal property sustained while playing Tag Rugby or while prese nt at any of the Tag Rugby venues, other than to the extent such injury is covered by the limited IRFU insurance policy

Friday, January 12, 2007

Westport Tag Rugby Festival

Connaught Tag Rugby Comes to Town in 2008

The Ballygowan West Tag event will be held on the weekend of the May Bank Holiday Weekend 2008

The event will be held on the lawn of the historic Westport House.

The Main Sponsors are Ballygowan

Additional Sponsors:
Failte Ireland
Destination Westport
Westport Rugby Football Club

Outline itinery;
Friday May
Registration 9-11pm in designated Westport Hotel
Saturday May
10am - 5pm competition begins (league format)
1 - 2 pm Lunch Break
Entertainment on Site throughout the day
Organised function that evening in designated Westport Hotel
Sunday May
10am - 5pm competition continues
1 - 2 pm Lunch Break
Semi Finals & Finals in Afternoon
Entertainment on Site throughout the day

Prize giving during organised function that evening in designated Westport Hotel
Monday May

Registration will be via the InterNet through the I.R.F.U. Website

Entry fee per team will we €350 (12 players)
Teams are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements

Go to and press the TAG Rugby link

The Westport, Irelands tidiest town will provide an ideal venue for entertaining the visitors. Tag Rugby is the fastest growing sport in the country, Westport RFC and Destination Westport hope to capitalise on its popularity by providing the most entertaining and well run tournament in the country.

Pat Aylward, Festival Co-ordinator announced.“After our first sporting and enjoyable tag rugby festival we are already working on plans for the Ballygowan West Tag festival 2008. We will be promoting the festival nationwide and are certain of getting a good response from Tag Rugby teams throughout the country”